This post has been long overdue since I've been here in England since the end of January. It's crazy how time flies because it's already almost the end of March. I don't think anyone has ever asked me why I wanted to study abroad; it's kind of obvious and almost the same as any other international student here. I remember since I started school in San Diego, I had the idea of studying abroad. In high school, everyone I knew had basically the same path, to get into a good college. I didn't realize it until later on in college, that everyone I knew was taking their own sort of path. I had many friends back home in community college to transfer later on and I had friends who were definite as to what they wanted to do. Then there were people like me who sort of had an idea, but at the same time, had no idea (does that even make sense?). I would be what you call.. a late bloomer. As much as I wanted to study abroad, I wasn't able to because for over a year, I didn't know what I wanted to do in San Diego, what I wanted to study. I won't be graduating for another year or so (not that I'm even ready to anyways). Anyways, almost like everyone else, I wanted to see what was out there, what it is like in a different country. I can conclude right off the bat a few things: the weather is gloomy all the time, everything's expensive, and American food is so much better.
Although I was well aware of some personal issues, I went on with the plan of studying abroad. What I mean by personal issues is I don't travel so well, I'm pretty anti-social, and money issues. I've known for some time now that as much as I like to see new and amazing things, I dread being in an environment that I'm not used to. I don't miss family per se; I miss a routine that I'm used to already. I never like "first days" of anything because it's overwhelming, but you learn to appreciate it later on when you're used to it (ie different jobs, a new school). It took probably a month to really settle in at where I'm staying. I'm not located in the heart of London, I'm about 20-30 minutes away. It was frustrating at first meeting so many new people because everyone was trying to fit in and find their group of friends. And the fact of how much money I'll be spending in just 5 months scares me. I have refused to add up the grand total because it will kill me.
Going into London is quite expensive when you go in a group less than 4. It costs about 25 dollars and I can't afford to go into London all the time. I've gone once and spent the entire day venturing around London. On some occasions, I was oblivious that I was walking the London streets and unaware of how magnificent my surroundings were. Other times, I'm just way too shocked. I might be going into London again next weekend to do some shopping for some warm weather traveling we'll be doing soon. But other than that, I won't be able to see London again until late May. School work has me counting down the days until I don't have to worry about it no longer. I have about 5 more weeks and then I'm free!
Enjoy it alllll! Can't wait to see more photos!