Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Amsterdam: Bicycles, Weed, and More Bicycles and Weed.

As soon as we got off the bus and onto the Amsterdam streets, the first thing we were told was "Watch out for them bicyclists." I think I almost got hit once or twice and called my friends' names several times on the occasion that they were about to get hit since they weren't paying attention. I met someone recently who's from Amsterdam. She's very used to the many different transportations that's going around you. You can either get hit by a car, a bus, a tram, or a bicyclist. The one you have to worry about the most as a pedestrian are probably the bicyclists.

Sad to say, I did not snap away when I was in Amsterdam. Why? I'd like to blame that I was constantly running around with friends that I didn't really stop to just indulge in picture taking. Also, carrying two additional instant cameras isn't fun. So the next time I travel again, I'm going light. It's a different experience when you're in a country who's primary language is not English. Amsterdam was so mesmerizing. I think just seeing people biking constantly through out the day just did it for me. As much it was mesmerizing, I did not enjoy going through the Red Light District and the sex shops and coffee shops in every corner.

I've always been the type of person who cautiously spends their money; I'm very frugal. Honestly, I wasn't so sure if I wanted to go to Amsterdam, and I impulsively decided to do so last minute. But the trip was worth every penny. After the Amsterdam trip, I let myself loose a bit when it came to spending money on traveling. A lot of times I forget how much of an opportunity it is for me to be studying abroad. "Studying" abroad is a joke, but indulging in my surroundings and living in an entirely different environment teaches you a lot about the culture and a lot about yourself. It's an opportunity I wouldn't get again, and it's still crazy to believe that I'm here for about 4 months. I've booked all my flights and hotels/hostels for (in order of where I'm going to first) Venice, Greece, Croatia, Morocco, Madrid, Dublin, London, Pisa/Florence/Rome, Paris, Barcelona, and Nuremberg. It's such a relief that I've paid for it all now and that I only have to worry about getting around and food. I'm so excited to share more of my adventures!


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