Sunday, September 29, 2013

Shame On Me; Updates and What Not

This happens almost all the time and I think it all started once I transferred into Long Beach (because the two semesters before, I took photography classes). When I started school at Long Beach, I nearly went 5 or so months without touching my camera. It was when I was taking a lot more classes than I ever was before and I was getting into becoming a shift lead at work. So I've realized that when school comes around, I get so caught up with my school projects that my camera gets left on the shelf. This semester has been a repeat to the previous semesters. This past summer I had so much free time, but once school started, I was again engulfed in studying for tests and working on fashion projects. Also, I started working again.

But I've been putting an effort into fitting in shoots and what not. I'm hoping to catch up on editing my mid-October (even though I have 5 tests in October and a research paper due).

And the rest of my updates are in bullet points:

  • We recently turned in a fashion project where we interview a person with a fashion career that we are interested in. When I determined my major as fashion merchandising, I was leaning between visual merchandising or becoming a buyer as a choice of career. Probably a year in, I realized, the idea of these careers sounded good, but I really wanted to do something I'm really into. I was thinking of fashion photography, but after the interview I did, it gave me a good reason not to get into that career field. I feel strong about doing graphic design and surprisingly it's something that have stuck with me for quite some time without realizing it. I had changed my plans on when I was planning on graduating, and now I'm on the fences as to the steps I'm taking next after graduating. I'm thinking of taking graphic design classes and getting an AA. I've taken only one graphics class and I want to further my knowledge/ability on what it is I can do in this area through the classes. But this is just a vague idea until I start interning.
  • I don't know about my other classmates, but after seeing all the presentations on the interviews, it was quite an eye opener. It wasn't new things that I learned, but reminders of things that I need to get done or continue doing. Things I already knew.
  • I'm buying my website now. Enforcing me to have something up soon.
  • I'm taking a computer class required for fashion majors. We're working with both Illustrator and Photoshop. At first, the class was a joke and was not challenging at all. But now that the class has progressed, it's quite challenging and fun.

In progress.


  1. Exciting to see what happens! It's lovely seeing you grow as a person throughout the years. :)

    1. Thanks Karen :) Kinda crazy how much I've grown and I just realized I've known you for awhile!


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